Interior design

A good interior design improves a space by making it better suited to its purpose

Interior of our places is most ignored in the building sector. Imagine a dining room which serves the purpose of the kitchen, a bedroom serving the purpose of the office, etc.

Interior design contribute to comfort and mental health of the occupants ensuring a full purpose is accomplished. Its where appearance and beauty come together.

Interior design helps to uplift our spirits and also helps to effectively optimize the space in our home making the best use of the available space. It makes our lifestyle more modern and stylish. it also introduces us to elegance and comfort and helps to raise the functionality in our life.

Imagine from gracious dinner at a friend’s house to a store that you love to shop at time and time again, interior design has the power to make spaces more compelling, attractive and to amplify your experiences in them.

Talk of every type of buildings: houses, supermarkets, companies, malls, coffee shops, and restaurants. We choose the colours, materials, textures, furniture, flooring, wallpaper, lighting, and other materials for every interior space or building

Colour affects our moods, how is this? Get to us and get the best interior design details of your space. We serve clients across the globe, in al the continents. Our lead Designer Ms Vanessa has over 10 years’ experience.

We ensure: colour serve a purpose, turn your home into heaven, facilitate ample space, easy maintenance, cost savings, safety is upheld, functionality in the space, etc

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Structural/ Civil Engineers designs

work closely with our clients to design projects that meet their goals, while balancing site constraints, the environment, and costs.

Avoid costly rework by beginning with us. Safe costs and ensure safety at all the time.

Once you get your architectural designs and plans, either external or from our team, we can go ahead and provide structural design plans on your request.

The civil structural team’s responsibilities include the preparation of loading and load combinations based on the applicable codes and standards. The C/S team also coordinates shop-drawing reviews for structural adequacy and accordance with issued for construction (IFC) structural drawings


  • Loading and load combinations based on applicable codes and standards

  • Reviews of shop drawings for structural adequacy and accordance with IFC structural drawings

  • Structural designs, rack structure supports, structural foundation drawings, main structural frames, secondary steel frames, platforms and access, architectural plan drawings and load foundation calculations

  • Structural engineering designs including steel structures, concrete structures, steel buildings, piling and foundations, and related element designs

  • Calculation review and preparation

Structural and Building Works Design:

  • Reinforced Concrete Design

  • Structural Steel Design

  • Structural Timber Design

  • Building Structural Audits and Preparation of Structural Integrity Reports

  • Communication Towers and Masts Audits & Design

Civil Works Design:

  • Roads Design

  • Sewer Design

  • Water Reticulation Design

  • Storm water Drain Design

Project/Construction Management:

  • Structural Works Supervision

  • Overall Project Supervision

  • Civil works Supervision

successfully undertaken and completed work in the following areas: –

  • Preliminary Investigations

  • Feasibility Studies

  • Economic Evaluations

  • Master Plans preparations

  • Detailed Project Design

  • Contract Drawings

  • Contract Document

  • Cost Estimates

  • Evaluation of Tenders

  • Contract Administration

  • Supervision of Construction

  • Project Management

  • Building Structural Audits

Architectural plans and layouts

For all types of architectural layouts, reach out to us. We have over 20 team of professional architects ready to serve you.

Ranging from residential homes, rental apartments, estate plans, go downs, factories, shopping malls, fuel stations, schools and colleges, hotels and restaurants, hospitals and dispensaries, etc.

Landscape Design and Implementation

Our Landscape design processes involves: Predesign stage,Concept Development, site plan development, cost estimates, 3D perspectives, material selection, detailed construction documentation, site implementation, supervision and maintenance and client report.


Project management and supervision.

Construction approvals